Wednesday, April 17, 2013


We ended up doing nichos today (I like to call them Nachos). Nichos are little Mexican dioramas in tin boxes. The first thing we saw when we walked into our instructors house was shelves. Lots and lots of shelves. Shelves holding scissors, paints, spray painted quail eggs, etc. Our instructor introduced us to other people there and then we got started. Laurel headed toward the pipe cleaners while I headed toward the magazines. Laurel and I started to construct our Nichos. We first painted them. Laurel mixed a bright gold and bright bronze, while I painted my Nicho (Nacho) a gold. After painting (And a hair dryer fight) We started to glue our props in. In the last spare minutes of the class and when we were done we grabbed a hammer and helped a woman by smashing miniature pottery with a hammer. After that we headed off.


Today we went to Xote, a Mexican water park. Xote is a small water park on the outskirts of San Miguel. The first slide I headed toward was the Racer. The Racer is a slide with four chutes.
You're supposed to grab a mat in order to go on the Racer. Once they get four people on the chutes they will blow a whistle and you will race down. Simple! If you want speed on the Racer you should go head first curling the front of the mat making it look like a runner sled. If you want to do it the fun way you go down backwards curling the front of the mat. NEVER go down sitting or not curling the front of the mat. You will either swallow a gallon of water or slam face first into the bottom of the landing pool. I went on the Racer a few times and then switched to the no name slides. The no name slides are two tunnel slides that are un-named. For slide number one you go down head first in diving position. For slide two you go on your knees. I spent an hour on that and then went to the pool. My dad ended up getting a blue Xote ball that I played three flys up with a friend. I did two more runs on the Racer and then we headed home.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chile shampoo

Today we were shopping at the bonanza tienda (Store) and we saw the silliest thing (Mexico has a lot of silly things but this was truly funny). They were selling chili lime shampoo. When I showed it to my family they burst out into hysterical laughter. It took about five minutes for us to regain ourselves. We burst out into hysterics when we found out that they had chili lime conditioner, hand soap, and bath soap. We could hardly control ourselves even when we got home. Mom flunked the qesidillas because she was laughing to hard. We could hardly even control ourselves the next day

Zora The warrior

We "adopted" a mexican mutt named Zora off the streets for our vacation. Zora is 6 pounds, 12 inches, and overly sweet. Despite her small size she is strong and loves to nap, chill, then play like crazy. Zora is still in the puppy age and will play with our friend's dog, Nacho, almost all day. She is a Chihuahua / Black Lab mix and loves to get attention. Our friends are considering adopting her because they want their dog, Nacho to have a playmate. They also like her sweet attitude towards them. Zora is a sweet dog and I will keep her posted so you won't miss her. Much.

Zora (and moi)


Churros and Chocolate

For the first day at San Miguel we decided to go to our favorite place for brunch, San Augustin.
San Augustin isn't exactly the best place for breakfast if you want eggs or bacon or hot cakes (pancakes in spanish), but if you want churros, then that's the place to go. The churros are covered with a layer of suger and cinnamon and are always fresh out of the oven, and are served with hot chocolate. You can get Mexican hot chocolate, French hot chocolate, or Spanish hot chocolate. The orange juice is freshly squeezed when you get it. There's always almost no wait, and the parroquia is a block or two away from San Augustin. If You want churros, San Augustin is the place to go!  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

San Miguel

San Miguel is a bustling Mexican city located a few hours away from Mexico city. San Miguel is filled with some of the most amazing Markets, Murals, and man-made goodies you'll ever see. Read my blog and you'll find more pictures and posts from our adventure over at San Miguel.

           The Brycenator cheese ball 101
                        (Aka. Bryce)